Sunday, February 12, 2017

Josh's 4th Birthday

Today my handsome boy turns Four!!!! Joshua you are a kind hearted little man who is easy going and mama's helper. You love to play with sister, wrestle, be a superhero, and PLAY with anything cars and trucks. You can share when you want to. Sometimes you take things out of Grace's hands and pull her hair, but mostly you are willing to give her the last Blue popsicle which is the sweetest thing. You still LOVE your blanket, petting and rubbing it as you are  tiring for bed and you sleep so easy at night and take your time waking up in the morning. You are a very good listener as you do as mommy and daddy says mostly wanting to please us. You are Quite Loud  at times and get louder when I ask you to use a "quiet voice", always asking questions and commenting about your surroundings. You are very curious about  nature, heaven, how things work and knowing things.  You still have a little temper when mommy tells you NO, hitting, crying and lying on the floor, but mommy knows now that your Four you will grow out of it.....

 You walked around the house for weeks with this 4 candle so excited about your birthday, even wanting to sleep with it in your bed.

 You asked Santa for this Criss cross Crash Game for Christmas and it is getting good use. The cutest moment was when you sat on Santa's lap and asked where his sled and reindeer were. He let you know they were at the North Pole.
 Colin and Liam couldn't make it to your party so they spent the night to celebrate your birthday earlier.
 After playing outside in the backyard and driving your jeep, riding bikes we had Ice Cream

 Watched  Superman.
 then for a pj party.

Woke up and played Wii and Headbands

Mommy put up Decorations up for him for his Birthday Weekend and 4 Balloons!!!!

Couldn't wait to open his presents

Superman theme

Right now Josh enjoys anything Superman(even the old Christopher Reeves movies), dressing up as superman, his new superman underwear and Superman Basketball that he asked me for every day for months.
Plan was to Have Josh's Monster truck themed party at the Park but it rained all night and was very wet outside.  We found Graziano's Family Pizza place with a game room all to ourselves!
Josh got to make his own pizza

 lots of arcade games and tickets
Special Thanks to Grandma for the mud and monster truck tire cupcakes!
Coloring pages and Blaze plates

Race track for those monster trucks
friends Charlie and Jackson
 The Almazan Family
 Daddy kept track of more than 500 tickets....WOW

Cousins Andrew and Roman
Special Thanks to Mimi and Papi for my Birthday Balloons
Enjoying his cupcake.
Ellie our neighbor liking the chocolate  frosting too
Jordan and Nuryia from Daycare
Special THANKS to Auntie Cissy for Making this awesome Monster Truck Photo prop
 Birthday Boy was happy



Josh really, really, really wanted to Open presents.  

 lots of cool toys and goodies

Party was a success for ALL!! 
 When we got home Grace and Josh did not nap so we played with all his new stuff

 A few from when he was little

 and now so big

Love you Joshua and cant wait to see what 4 will be like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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