Monday, May 30, 2016

Meeting Andrew

Gracie couldn't wait all week to get to hold this little man
Andrew Thomas 2 weeks or 3?
She was very concerned about the bump on his head

I forget how tiny they start out

The boys turn
We always have so much fun visiting Auntie Cissy and Uncle Steven!
Addie likes her matching necklace
The backyard is a blast
Watermelon and bunny slippers life doesn't get much better than that!!

Making cousin memories..


  1. Andrew was 2 1/2 weeks there...Tell Gracie not to worry his bump is gone now :) Thanks for coming down and Addie definitely LOVES that necklace Thanks again!

  2. Andrew was 2 1/2 weeks there...Tell Gracie not to worry his bump is gone now :) Thanks for coming down and Addie definitely LOVES that necklace Thanks again!
