Sunday, April 12, 2015

San Diego

Enjoyed the day at Sea World!!
Shamu was a hit with the kids.. 
Watching in awe
Hanging out at dolphin point
Crystal blue water
The Dolphins would swim right up to Gtace to say Hi

So magical
Enjoyed some great shows, kids sat really well too!!
It was perfectly sunny! We had to shed our long slevees  for short ones

They even had fun rides...

Fish to touch
The fish really liked all the dead skin on daddy's hands
And lots of fish to watch 
These two were having a blast!!
Sea turtles we loved

Sharks were scary

Grace wanted her face painted and was asking ALL DaY
So we stopped and it made her day!!!
So pretty
At first Josh didn't want a turn and glad he changed his mind!!
He was thrilled
Clapping & smiling so big!!
Yes! Came out awesome!
These two together make mommy smile

Our final show was pets rule!
And last stop to the Artic Animals...
Beluga whale

Polar bear
Wonderful wonderful day with my 3 LOVES!!!


  1. Wonderful day We glad you enjoyed

  2. Lovely pictures :). Lovely day :) lovely smiles and happiness all around. Love it!
