Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mimi, Papi & Debbie are HOME!

Waiting as daddy picks up Mimi, Papi and Debbie from LAX... The kids and mommy are so excited to see them
We can't wait!

Almost here!
We went out to lunch at Chillies cause everyone was hungry, but mommy forgot to take a photo... They stayed over and we had lots of play time together throughout the weekend 
Silly Papi....
scooters down the block

Stopped to play with these kids
Grace wanted to shoot this nerf gun!
Joshy looking so big, always handsome!
Then we took some family photos at JCP at Victoria Gardens

My pretty....

Josh wanted to run....
Can't wait to post more photos from the shoot!!!
And more of the time we get to spend with Mimi, Papi & Auntie Debbie!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Laura, we enjoyed welcome, also the photographic section, enjoyed it very much.....We love you all
