Sunday, August 16, 2020

Easter Quarantine 2020 (Late)

Back to School

 Coming Back for school this year was very stressful for parents because some are afraid to send them for fear they might get sick...teachers are afraid they will get sick, families are afraid the kids will bring something home to grandma and grandpa. Some want to send their children back because the benefits out weigh the risks, but cant because schools are closed. The President and pediatricians want schools open because the rates of abuse in children is rising, as well as depression and suicide. But schools remain closed as the COVID numbers our high in our communities. Who will do distance learning with the children of working parents, who will care for them?  

All  these things we had to figure out for our family but thankfully God guided us to Water of Life Christian School. It was the perfect answer to prayer for our family. The kids will be on campus in small classrooms, with lots of Safety Measures in place, they will be praying and learning God's word and meeting new friends. They will be able to play and interact with their caring teachers day by day and we are so happy that the're learning will continue not in front of a screen. 

First we had to say goodbye to Lanette's Kiddie Korner where we spent the last 4 years.

with Ms. Lanette and Miss Shay

Last Day 8/6/2020
    First Day 8/2016

they made lots of memories here, and though it is hard to say good bye the kids were ready for this amazing change! 

Had to go to Campus to take a placement test and get some Uniforms and Spirit Day tees! 

Ready for Drop off

But mommy got to wait in line with them. They were both a little anxious it being their first day at their new school and having to wear masks is not ideal...

Keeping 6 feet and getting our Temp checks is the new way...

After school they were so happy to share their experiences with us! 

The rest of the week went very smoothly and they are super excited for everyday! 

Homework has been the only challenge...

for this one because she is not liking her cursive letters. 

Overall we are a very happy family and so thankful! Go Lions and WOLCS