Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas 2020 Holiday


Christmas Eve with the Castillo's!! All is Merry and Bright

 Holiday Traditions, making a gingerbread house and playing some Texas Hold'em Poker

A trip to the Light Drive Through

Fun Holiday Wear for their last soccer Practice before Holiday Break....

Girl Scout Paint Night with Millie

Decorating Grandma and Grandpa's Tree, another Fun tradition! 

A trip to the Bass Pro Shop to Visit Santa with our Friends!!! 

So weird to be wearing Masks, but these are COVID times.....

Dressed up for our outing!! 

Oh how we Love this time of Year!!!! 

Egge Christmas this Year was backyard with masks..... 

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus! 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

We joined the Family for Thanksgiving at Steven and Cissy's new Home

lots of yummy tasty food and special time together

Kids were so excited to swim in their Awesome pool

Then took a walk on their Horse Trail and met the local donkey and horses! 

Spent the Night and went to the park the following day... Oh how we love hanging with our cousins!