Sunday, April 29, 2018

Josh T-Ball

Josh Started T-ball at the end of January with I9 Sports for Winter Season

 First Day!!

 Friends came to dinner and he had to wear his Jersy, hat and Medal>.....

 Papi came to many games!!

 Picture Day

After a short Break he is now playing Spring Season and his friend Nathan is on his team!!!
 Josh is Number 9

 Bigger team with some older boys!!!

Come join us at Garcia Park any Saturday 10:15-12:00 and watch Josh do what he loves!!

Grace Gymnasitcs

 She continue to love Gymnastics

 Got her splits down now!!
One of these days I will figure out how to post videos- I have got lots of her doing some tricks

Visited Mountain lakes- Grandma and Grandpa's home in the mountains!!!

 Perfect Day to fish at the Lake
 Worms gross

 Perfect Place for a bike ride

cant resist free  Face painting 

 S'more's for dessert

Cant wait till our next visit- this place is magical!!!

Bekah's Baby Shower

was so beautiful and such a good time celebrating the next Egge Baby!!!