Monday, September 4, 2017

Cousin's Weekend

 Josh and Andrew stayed at Grandma & Grandpa's

 While these girly girls spent the night in Millie's big girl bed!!!

Lunch together and then  Decorating Cookies

Grace ended up coming home early with a fever... She was so sad...

 But loves her new Princess Pillow!!!

 Mommy still got to realx and watch some chick flicks with this sick chick!

Grace added snap chat to my phone.... oh my goodness!

Sibling LOVE



they love each other so much!!! Most of the time.....

Another tooth

Grace lost another tooth- the one on the Top left ... Tooth Number 6!!!
 This girl is getting too big
 She loves to pose

 hard to tell she is missing three on the is starting to come in....

Around the house projects

A leak the ceiling resulted in this....still looking for the leak?? We think its mostly from the kids splashing water outside the bath....
 Kiddos still love love love playing on their fort. Perfect activity while mommy cleans up after dinner and washes dishes!

 Grace met her coach, teammates and mommy signed up to make bows

Max, our puppy, keeps us super busy:  tearing up his bed daily, finding anything left on the floor to chew (especially the kids shoes), knocking his food  and water out of his bowl, always making a mess, and still has issues with potty training.

  We bought  some rocks for our front flower bed to make it look a bit nicer.... We needed up needing 22 bags. We started with 6 and went back for the rest....
 They were giving out free watermelon and lemonade!!! So refreshing in this heat!!

 Washed down the patio and got rid of all the spiders!! I hope
 Organized the kids art supplies, games, puzzles and more....
Always something to do around the house.....

Eclipse 8-21-17

Monday August 21, 2017
Checking out the Eclipse at work
 Projected from a telescope

 my co-workers thankfully had legit glasses!!!
 The eclipse reflected of my phone somehow  and can be seen on my neck and cheek
Cool to be apart of something so historical

Amber's Birthday Back in July

We had some fun at John's Incredible Pizza Celebrating Amber's 35 th Birthday

Love every time these kiddos get together!!!