Sunday, August 20, 2017

Grace First Grade

 We have a first Grader!!!! This year Grace has Mrs. Cervantes and is in Classroom #22!
Having a good hair day!!!!!!!

 Fist Day of First Grade.....Friday August 4th, 2017

 Brother Excited to walk her to school on her first Day


 Her desk

 She lost her other front tooth on her second Week at School!!

 Missing her two front teeth now....

 Back to school Night was on Week 3!!!

 Her desk was moved cause she was talking too much at the first table. Now she is on the end with only one person next to her...

 One thing I learned at Back to School Night,.... she has so many friends!!!! These girls are not even in her class- Everybody knows Grace, even the Principle cause she introduced herself!

 Got her face painted
Love this beauty....So Blessed by God to have such a healthy, happy little girl who loves school!!