Monday, October 17, 2016

Grace's First School Dance 10/7 2016

All ready for her  Glow Crazy Dance at school

 Hanging with her Friend Mia

 Meet her boyfriend Riley....OMG

 Dancing with all her Kindergarten friends!!
 She was holding hands all night with this out- mommy and daddy not happy

 It was super cute and had a BLAST

Oak Glen

Perfect day to spend with family and church friends!!

 making New friends...these girls live across the street from Grandma and Gracie cant wait for another play date

 Enjoying the Animals
Ellie and Sylvia our neighboors
running up and down the hill was so fun

Playing some soccer

Happy to see each other!!!

more hugs!!

cousin pow-wow

Kealy, Titus, Jeremy, Ang were there too with Aunt Eunice!

Time for some Apple Pie

Such a handsome daddy!! Happy to have back from a week in Florida

Mommy loves making family memories at Oak Glen