My little man just a few weeks old!!
so handsome
He has grown so fast
One year
Two years
What a difference a year makes This year Josh began talking in sentences, counting in English and Spanish, and he can finally make a 3 with his fingers!! Josh Loves the Hulk and still prefers the really old episodes on Netflix. He transitioned to his full bed. He still goes to bed with a few books and his blanket and recently requests "mommy lay with me.." He does pretty well in undies but definitely needs pull-ups at nap and bedtime. He still is a great eater and will try anything spicy, my sushi and whatever mommy puts in front of him. He wants to sit at the table now..
He is a really good boy, smiles lots, laughs and loves, happy and sometimes screams loudly and throws all his toys up in the air. He can get pretty upset when he is told no and often pinches or hits out of frustration...which has landed him many timeouts!
Josh has a thing for motorcycles, flash lights, cars, trucks, and airplanes.. Roller coasters too! His favorite toy right now is his light saber, FaceTime with family, a good game of hide-n-seek and hungry hungry hippos. His favorite snack is fig cookies!!!
Momma is so in love and I wish I could freeze time so he didn't have to grow up...You make my heart so happy!!!
Happy happy 3rd Birthday Joshy