Saturday, October 31, 2015

Memory Lane

Whenever we get together we go down memory lane! We used this time to celebrate the life of Grandpa Bill ! We all loved having Grammy, Uncle Stu and Uncle Jeff in town!
A few from the service

Bill's three sons
He reception following
Best Uncle's ever
Hanging out 

Millie, the next gen red head

The Chatleston Family (minus 2)

Gracie & Great Grammy
With all her great's !!!

We love our family more than words... And the time we get to spend together!!! Bill you will be missed

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Columbus Day

Enjoyed the day off with my loves... 
Some carnival rides at the mall
Josh in the driver seat
An astronaut  in training 

And painted some pumpkins

Enjoying her final project
Sneak peak of Grace's Cinderella dress
His costume... J/k


 Gracie got her nails painted and enjoys getting into mommies lip gloss
 Huver B-Day party
 Mommy didn't bring our suits but let us put our feet in....
We went home in pull-ups and car blankets because we got more than our feet wet
 Dress up fun!!!

 More with Millie

 Painting at Grandmas

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Birthdays & busy-nzzz

 Making Daddy a cake

Singing and Presents
 More Birthday fun with family at Aunt Eunice's

My Favorite...Pineapple Upside down Cake!

Yeah for swimming

Yeah fir being active Outdoors

Waterplay...I think we need a bigger pool

 Yeah for Friends

Grace is so girly and big now

 still love our swing set....
 Cooking at Grandma's

 helping Grandpa

Nursery Fun with Millie

Wow we sure keep busy...mommy will try to get better at posting sooner!