My little artist
This is what happens when I go inside and do a few dishes...
Chalk all over Joshy
Grace love's her late b-day gift from the Galvez girls...
It goes perfect with her Disney kitchen.
She loves the camera!!!
And is so darn adorable!
Grace knows all her colors in Spanish and surprises me daily with her giant vocabulary!! She is reading lots more and identifying all her letters! This girl dresses herself and puts on her socks and shoes too!!! The other night I told her "it's bath time" she grabbed 2 towels, Josh's pjs and diaper and her pjs...she amazes me...
And is such a good helper!! (She honestly can fold laundry at 3)hope she will keep up with this chore!!
enjoying a little tv time while mommy is busy in the kitchen
But enjoys being outside most of all
Caught "calk is not for face painting"
Too late
It's all about having fun anyway!!!